Our CSR strategy

"Because every action we take has an impact on our environment and society, the Aldes Group has developed its CSR strategy, AldesImpact, around four major commitments.

Our goal is to take concrete action for our employees, customers, industry, and society as a whole"

Download our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report for Aldes Group

Our CSR performance

In 2025, Aldes renewed its silver medal from EcoVadis, an international label for annual evaluation of CSR performance, with a score of 69/100, an improvement of more than 4 points compared to 2024. The group has its CSR performance evaluated by an independent organization on its commitments in the following areas:

  • Environment
  • Social and human rights
  • Ethics
  • Responsible procurement

EcoVadis evaluates more than 100,000 companies in over 175 countries every year.

Aldes Group is among the top 15% of the most performant companies evaluated and in the top 5% of companies in its sector of activity.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Through our Aldesimpact strategy we are responding to 11 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).